Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Provides an overview of how developing gender inclusive climate strategies can help businesses strengthen resilience and uncover new opportunities.
An assessment tool that enables companies and civil society partners to understand corporate impacts on multi-dimensional poverty. As a tool to help implement the SDGs, the Poverty Footprint provides a comprehensive overview of factors that influence poverty, and it emphasizes stakeholder engagement and partnership between companies and civil society as a means for establishing pro-poor business strategies.
Seeks to advance the discussion on how the private sector can make positive contributions to peace in conflict-affected and high-risk areas around the world and, as a result, help to the realization of SDG16. This document complements existing materials such as the UN Global Compact’s Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas with a new perspective on deliberate contributions to peace by companies.
Provides an overview of the current and potential role of institutional investors, companies, banks and foundations in the design and implementation of a financing strategy for global sustainability.
Co-hosted by the UN Global Compact and the Measuring Business and Human Rights Project, this webinar explores the trend of benchmarking, the progress that has resulted to date and how this trend is helping companies meet their responsibility to respect human rights under the Guiding Principles.
With the development of the Post-2015 agenda and discussion of the scope of potential sustainable development goals, the United Nations Global Compact has been asked to bring private sector perspectives and action to the global development agenda. As one of the priority areas designated by the UN Global Compact’s LEAD companies, Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality aims ensure that all sustainable development goals be inclusive and gender-sensitive to facilitate maximum impact and avoid increasing inequalities. This issue paper explores the responsible business community’s willingness to contribute to the creation of women’s empowerment goals as well as to inform government and policy makers in future implementation of efforts involving the private sector. In addition, gender is incorporated into all ten (10) Issue Briefs exploring a different priority issue area as identified through extensive consultations with LEAD companies and other stakeholders.
Initially developed in 2000 as a common framework for UN-Business collaboration, the Guidelines apply to the UN Secretariat as well as separately administered organs, Funds and Programmes. The Guidelines, developed in 2000, revised and reissued in 2009, and further revised in 2015, provided a framework on a common and systemic approach to partnerships between the Organization and the business sector, placing greater emphasis on transparency, coherence, impact, accountability and due diligence.
A primer on the most relevant, urgent, and probable human rights impacts for the extractives sector and opportunities for positive impact.
Co-hosted by the UN Global Compact, the CEO Water Mandate and Shift, this webinar explored the key components of the Guidance for Companies on Respecting the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation and how companies can adopt a human rights lens to water stewardship efforts.
Learn about how companies in the UN Global Compact are taking action to advance corporate sustainability around the world.
Learn about how companies in the UN Global Compact are taking action to advance corporate sustainability around the world.
This webinar introduces examples of innovative approaches to empowering women in the workplace, marketplace and community by focusing on women's health initiatives in the private sector. These inspirational examples illustrate some of the concrete ways in which companies can and are taking action to implement the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs).