Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Merck Sharpe and Dohme (I.A) LLC, Agencia en Chile Company Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Chile 02-Feb-2024
Roda Energía Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Alternative Energy Chile 16-Nov-2023
Banco Consorcio S.A. Company Banks Chile 13-Oct-2023
Compañía de Seguros Generales Consorcio Nacional de Seguros S.A. Company Nonlife Insurance Chile 13-Oct-2023
Compañía de Seguros Vida Consorcio Nacional de Seguros S.A. Company Life Insurance Chile 13-Oct-2023
CN Life Compañía de Seguros Vida S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Life Insurance Chile 13-Oct-2023
Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado Company Industrial Transportation Chile 12-Oct-2023
ENTOMO CIRCULAR PLANET Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Chile 25-Sep-2023
Concremag Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Construction & Materials Chile 25-Sep-2023
Empresa Constructora Fe Grande S.A. Company Construction & Materials Chile 25-Sep-2023
GEOVITA S.A. Company Industrial metals and mining Chile 25-Sep-2023
ICEM S.A. Company Industrial metals and mining Chile 25-Sep-2023