Name Type Sector Country Joined On
ALABAMA ABOGADOS, S.L.P Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Spain 16-May-2023
PARQUE TECNOLOGICO-TEKNOLOGI ELKARTEGIA, S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Real Estate Investment & Services development Spain 16-May-2023
EBROACERO, S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial metals and mining Spain 16-May-2023
SIMA, Servicios Integrales Alonso S.L Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Gas, Water & Multiutilities Spain 16-May-2023
Ingenieros Dachary y Cámara, SL Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Spain 16-May-2023
Gaona Palacios y Rozados Abogados Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Spain 16-May-2023
Maquinaria Meyco S.L. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise General Industrials Spain 09-May-2023
HANDS FOR EVENTS S.L. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Spain 09-May-2023
INDUTEC INGENIEROS, S.L.U Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Engineering Spain 09-May-2023
Astilleros Canarios S.A Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Spain 09-May-2023
Fundación Privada Diverse Foundation Not Applicable Spain 03-May-2023
IBERPOTASH, SA Company Industrial metals and mining Spain 01-May-2023