Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Pharma IT ApS Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Denmark 07-Feb-2023
Leander A/S Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Household Goods & Home Construction Denmark 07-Feb-2023
SEF A/S Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Denmark 26-Jan-2023
Init Group ApS Company Denmark 26-Jan-2023
Hotel Røde-Kro Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Travel & Leisure Denmark 24-Jan-2023
Videncenter for databaseret service og forretningsudvikling Foundation Not Applicable Denmark 16-Jan-2023
Norlund A/S Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Construction & Materials Denmark 16-Jan-2023
The Danish Society of Engineers (IDA) Labour Local Not Applicable Denmark 16-Jan-2023
Forvis Mazars in Denmark Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Finance and credit services Denmark 16-Jan-2023
DanGard Small or Medium-sized Enterprise General Industrials Denmark 10-Jan-2023
IRON Pump A/S Small or Medium-sized Enterprise General Industrials Denmark 10-Jan-2023
Dansk Wilton A/S Small or Medium-sized Enterprise General Industrials Denmark 10-Jan-2023