GPIC GRI SR 2018" Together We Do Better"
- Participant
- Published
- 17-Mar-2018
- Time period
- January 2017 – March 2018
- Files
- GPIC_Letter_of_Commitment_–_United_Nations_Glob... (English)
- GPIC_GRI_Sustainability_Report_2018__Together_w... (English)
- Making_SDGs_a_reality_at_GPIC.pdf (English)
- SDG_Industry_matrix-_GPIC__examples.pdf (English)
- Format
- Part of a sustainability or corporate (social) responsibility report
- Differentiation Level
- This COP qualifies for the Global Compact Advanced level
- Self-assessment
- Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles
- Description of actions or relevant policies related to Human Rights
- Description of actions or relevant policies related to Labour
- Description of actions or relevant policies related to Environment
- Description of actions or relevant policies related to Anti-Corruption
- Includes a measurement of outcomes
- Meets all criteria for the GC Advanced level
- Verification
and Transparency - How is the accuracy and completeness of information in your COP assessed by a credible third-party?
The COP describes any action(s) that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to have the credibility of the information in its COP externally assessed, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
Other established or emerging best practices
GPIC is certified to 14 ISO standards and other management systems and hence is one of the most audited Company. Our financials are externally audited and even our production , exports and quality controls are externally assured.
Information is reviewed by multiple stakeholders (e.g., representatives of groups prioritized in stakeholder analysis)
Information is reviewed by a panel of peers (e.g., members of the same industry, competitors, benchmarked leaders, others organized via Global Compact Local Network)
Information is assured by independent assurors (e.g., accounting or consulting firm) using their own proprietary methodology
Information is assured by independent assurors (e.g., accounting or consulting firm) against recognized assurance standard (e.g., ISAE3000, AA1000AS, other national or industry-specific standard)
- The COP incorporates the following high standards of transparency and disclosure:
Applies the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines or the GRI Standards
Is 'in accordance - core' with GRI Standards
Is 'in accordance - comprehensive' with GRI Standards
Applies elements of the International Integrated Reporting Framework
Provides information on the company’s profile and context of operation
- Strategy, Governance
and Engagement - Criterion 1: The COP describes mainstreaming into corporate functions and business units
Place responsibility for execution of sustainability strategy in relevant corporate functions (procurement, government affairs, human resources, legal, etc) ensuring that no function is conflicting with company sustainability commitments and objectives
Align strategies, goals and incentive structures of all business units and subsidiaries with corporate sustainability strategy
Assign responsibility for corporate sustainability implementation to an individual or group within each business unit and subsidiary
Other established or emerging best practices
We are integrating sustainability into strategy and innovation to help drive growth.Our commitment to responsible business is embedded into our business agenda through our vision mission, core values, our corp. gov. and code of ethics aligned to UNGC.
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
Design corporate sustainability strategy to leverage synergies between and among issue areas and to deal adequately with trade-offs
Ensure that different corporate functions coordinate closely to maximize performance and avoid unintended negative impacts
- Criterion 2: The COP describes value chain implementation
Communicate policies and expectations to suppliers and other relevant business partners
Implement monitoring and assurance mechanisms (e.g. audits/screenings) for compliance within the company’s sphere of influence
Undertake awareness-raising, training and other types of capacity building with suppliers and other business partners
Other established or emerging best practices
our prequalification criteria for suppliers include certification for ISO14001 and Responsible Care when relevant and our IFA protect and sustain product stewardship certification addresses the above and recently GPCA SQAS adds value to supply chain.
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
Analyze each segment of the value chain carefully, both upstream and downstream, when mapping risks, opportunities and impacts
- Human Rights
- Criterion 3: The COP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of human rights
Commitment to comply with all applicable laws and respect internationally recognized human rights, wherever the company operates (e.g., the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Guiding Principles on Human Rights) (BRE1 + ARE1)
Other established or emerging best practices
our president is committed to the UNGC 10 principles including human rights since 2012 and was involved in Bahrain's human rights commission; our legal section is responsible for staying up to date with latest legislation.
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
Integrated or stand-alone statement of policy expressing commitment to respect and support human rights approved at the most senior level of the company (BRE 1 + BRE5 + ARE 1 + ARE 5)
Statement of policy stipulating human rights expectations of personnel, business partners and other parties directly linked to operations, products or services (BRE 1)
Statement of policy publicly available and communicated internally and externally to all personnel, business partners and other relevant parties (BRE 1 + BRE 5 + ARE 1 + ARE 5)
- Criterion 5: The COP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of human rights integration
Monitoring draws from internal and external feedback, including affected stakeholders
Grievance mechanisms that are legitimate, accessible, predictable, equitable, transparent, rights-compatible, a source of continuous learning, and based on engagement and dialogue (BRE4 + ARE4)
Other established or emerging best practices
We have an established grievance mechanism system internally; external business partners have access to our legal, compliance and internal audit function in order to be able to report violations if relevant
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
System to monitor the effectiveness of human rights policies and implementation with quantitative and qualitative metrics, including in the supply chain (BRE3 + ARE3)
Leadership review of monitoring and improvement results
Process to deal with incidents the company has caused or contributed to for internal and external stakeholders (BRE 4 + ARE 4)
Outcomes of integration of the human rights principles
- Criterion 4: The COP describes effective management systems to integrate the human rights principles
Process to ensure that internationally recognized human rights are respected
Internal awareness-raising and training on human rights for management and employees
Operational-level grievance mechanisms for those potentially impacted by the company’s activities (BRE 4 + ARE 4)
Other established or emerging best practices
Human rights principles are embedded into our Corporate Governance policy and also our Code of Ethics which is aligned to UNGC ten principles. Regular trainings on Human rights such as human rights for security personnel.
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
On-going due diligence process that includes an assessment of actual and potential human rights impacts (BRE 2 + BRE 3 + ARE 2 + ARE 3)
Allocation of responsibilities and accountability for addressing human rights impacts
Internal decision-making, budget and oversight for effective responses to human rights impacts
Processes to provide for or cooperate in the remediation of adverse human rights impacts that the company has caused or contributed to (BRE 3+ BRE 4 + ARE3 + ARE 4)
Process and programs in place to support human rights through: core business; strategic philanthropic/social investment; public policy engagement/advocacy; partnerships and/or other forms of collective action (BRE 6 + ARE 6)
- Labour
- Criterion 6: The COP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of labour
Written company policy to obey national labour law, respect principles of relevant international labour standards in worldwide company operations and engage in dialogue with representative organization of the workers (international, sectoral, national).
Inclusion of reference to the principles contained in the relevant international labour standards in contracts with suppliers and other relevant business partners
Specific commitments and Human Resources policies, in line with national development priorities or decent work priorities in the country of operation
Other established or emerging best practices
In addition to labor policies that strongly respect employee rights we incorporate global best practices in HRD such as well being programmes and have received HR and CSR awards for such practices.
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
Reference to principles of relevant international labour standards (ILO Conventions) and other normative international instruments in company policies
Reflection on the relevance of the labour principles for the company
Participation and leadership by employers’ organizations (international and national) to jointly address challenges related to labour standards in the countries of operation, possibly in a tripartite approach (business – trade union – government).
Structural engagement with a global union, possibly via a Global Framework Agreement
- Criterion 8: The COP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of labour principles integration
Audits or other steps to monitor and improve the working conditions of companies in the supply chain, in line with principles of international labour standards
Other established or emerging best practices
Prior to approving suppliers, references and if necessary site visits are conducted to ensure their adherence to good labour practices and standards; labour standards are included in business contracts
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
System to track and measure performance based on standardized performance metrics
Dialogues with the representative organization of workers to regularly review progress made and jointly identify priorities for the future
Process to positively engage with the suppliers to address the challenges (i.e., partnership approach instead of corrective approach) through schemes to improve workplace practices
Outcomes of integration of the Labour principles
- Criterion 7: The COP describes effective management systems to integrate the labour principles
Dialogue mechanism with trade unions to regularly discuss and review company progress in addressing labour standards
Allocation of responsibilities and accountability within the organization
Grievance mechanisms, communication channels and other procedures (e.g., whistleblower mechanisms) available for workers to report concerns, make suggestions or seek advice, designed and operated in line with the representative organization of workers
Other established or emerging best practices
All company goals are under the ownership of specific sections/ employees; the Company's labour union is actively engaged in meetings/ activities; the grievance mechanism is accessible to all.
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
Risk and impact assessments in the area of labour
Internal awareness-raising and training on the labour principles for management and employees
Active engagement with suppliers to address labour-related challenges
- Environment
- Criterion 10: The COP describes effective management systems to integrate the environmental principles
Environmental risk and impact assessments
Allocation of responsibilities and accountability within the organisation
Internal awareness-raising and training on environmental stewardship for management and employees
Other established or emerging best practices
our certification to ISO 14001 and Responsible Care management systems and Energy Management ISO 50001 including assigning responsibilities and conducting trainings; environmental awareness media is regularly circulated to all employees.
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
Assessments of lifecycle impact of products, ensuring environmentally sound management policies
Grievance mechanisms, communication channels and other procedures (e.g. whistleblower mechanisms) for reporting concerns or seeking advice regarding environmental impacts
- Criterion 9: The COP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of environmental stewardship
Reflection on the relevance of environmental stewardship for the company
Written company policy on environmental stewardship
Inclusion of minimum environmental standards in contracts with suppliers and other relevant business partners
Specific commitments and goals for specified years
Other established or emerging best practices
Environmental stewardship as well as specific principles such as the precautionary principle are strongly emphasized in our policies, corporate goals, long term sustainability goals and contracts with businesses.
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
Reference to relevant international conventions and other international instruments (e.g. Rio Declaration on Environment and Development)
- Criterion 11: The COP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for environmental stewardship
System to track and measure performance based on standardized performance metrics
Leadership review of monitoring and improvement results
Process to deal with incidents
Audits or other steps to monitor and improve the environmental performance of companies in the supply chain
Outcomes of integration of the environmental principles
Other established or emerging best practices
Environmental Audits of our specific environmental performance targets are regularly conducted and the findings are input to our regular management review for continual improvement
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
- Anti-Corruption
- Criterion 14: The COP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the integration of anti-corruption
Process to deal with incidents (D13)
Use of independent external assurance of anti-corruption programmes (D15)
Other established or emerging best practices
Our corporate governance including the segregation of duties and financial business functions are externally audited and the internal audit function provides independent objective assurance to the Board committee, MD, President on governance, risks etc
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
Leadership review of monitoring and improvement results (D12)
Public legal cases regarding corruption (D14)
Outcomes of integration of the anti-corruption principle
- Criterion 13: The COP describes effective management systems to integrate the anti-corruption principle
Support by the organization’s leadership for anti-corruption (B4)
Internal checks and balances to ensure consistency with the anti-corruption commitment (B6)
Management responsibility and accountability for implementation of the anti-corruption commitment or policy (D7)
Communications (whistleblowing) channels and follow-up mechanisms for reporting concerns or seeking advice (D9)
Internal accounting and auditing procedures related to anticorruption (D10)
Other established or emerging best practices
Our systems are regularly audited internally and externally; Our internal audit function reporting to the Board committee of Audit, Finance and Risk ensures no wrong doing and ethical business functions, trainings include fraud, anti-money laundering etc
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
Carrying out risk assessment of potential areas of corruption (D3)
Human Resources procedures supporting the anti-corruption commitment or policy, including communication to and training for all employees (B5 + D8)
Actions taken to encourage business partners to implement anti-corruption commitments (D6)
- Criterion 12: The COP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of anti-corruption
Publicly stated formal policy of zero-tolerance of corruption (D1)
Commitment to be in compliance with all relevant anti-corruption laws, including the implementation of procedures to know the law and monitor changes (B2)
Detailed policies for high-risk areas of corruption (D4)
Policy on anti-corruption regarding business partners (D5)
Other established or emerging best practices
Our corporate governance policy includes anti- corruption, our segregation of duties framework eliminates conflicts of interests in responsibilities; we are members Pearl Initiative Corporate governance organization
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
Statement of support for international and regional legal frameworks, such as the UN Convention against Corruption (D2)
- UN Goals and Issues
- Criterion 17: The COP describes advocacy and public policy engagement
Publicly advocate the importance of action in relation to one or more UN goals/issues
Commit company leaders to participate in key summits, conferences, and other important public policy interactions in relation to one or more UN goals/issues
Other established or emerging best practices
GPIC President who is also IFA President is involved with UN Committee on World food security, UN SD Summit and UNEP GEO 6 HLG, we are also engaged in Bahrain's COP 21 related activities including carbon management. We encourage others to follow suit.
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
- Criterion 16: The COP describes strategic social investments and philanthropy
Pursue social investments and philanthropic contributions that tie in with the core competencies or operating context of the company as an integrated part of its sustainability strategy
Other established or emerging best practices
Our long term sustainability goals include strategic philanthropy such as the Bahrain Farmers market, International garden show, Injaz Bahrain and we are open to new CSR opportunities as they arise
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
Coordinate efforts with other organizations and initiatives to amplify—and not negate or unnecessarily duplicate—the efforts of other contributors
Take responsibility for the intentional and unintentional effects of funding and have due regard for local customs, traditions, religions, and priorities of pertinent individuals and groups
- Criterion 15: The COP describes core business contributions to UN goals and issues
Align core business strategy with one or more relevant UN goals/issues
Develop relevant products and services or design business models that contribute to UN goals/issues
Adopt and modify operating procedures to maximize contribution to UN goals/issues
Other established or emerging best practices
proactively shown alignment of business priorities with SDGs. Used SDG Industry matrix to show our BP. Corporate long term and annual goals aligned to SDGs. Drilled down to department level and linking SDGs to tech. reports , capex
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
- Criterion 18: The COP describes partnerships and collective action
Develop and implement partnership projects with public or private organizations (UN entities, government, NGOs, or other groups) on core business, social investments and/or advocacy
Join industry peers, UN entities and/or other stakeholders in initiatives contributing to solving common challenges and dilemmas at the global and/or local levels with an emphasis on initiatives extending the company’s positive impact on its value chain
Other established or emerging best practices
Globally we are involved in fertilizer industry associations' leadership and working groups and locally our latest partnership with UN Environment is for Green Wave tree planting campaign and school children nutrition awareness and support
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
- Governance
- Criterion 19: The COP describes CEO commitment and leadership
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
CEO publicly delivers explicit statements and demonstrates personal leadership on sustainability and commitment to the UN Global Compact
CEO promotes initiatives to enhance sustainability of the company’s sector and leads development of industry standards
Other established or emerging best practices
GPIC President endorses and is committed to the UNGC Principles and UN SDGs and promotes sustainability at international platforms and in correspondences with stakeholders such as endorsing the international year of pulses campaign.
CEO leads executive management team in development of corporate sustainability strategy, defining goals and overseeing implementation
Make sustainability criteria and UN Global Compact principles part of goals and incentive schemes for CEO and executive management team
- Criterion 20: The COP describes Board adoption and oversight
Board of Directors (or equivalent) assumes responsibility and oversight for long-term corporate sustainability strategy and performance
Board establishes, where permissible, a committee or assigns an individual board member with responsibility for corporate sustainability.
Board (or committee), where permissible, approves formal reporting on corporate sustainability (Communication on Progress)
Other established or emerging best practices
Corporate sustainability is on the material issues agenda and our SR and COP reporting is both our long term and annual goals. The board is aware of our sustainability agenda and approves initiatives and projects related to it.
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
- Criterion 21: The COP describes stakeholder engagement
Publicly recognize responsibility for the company’s impacts on internal and external stakeholders
Establish channels to engage with employees and other stakeholders to hear their ideas and address their concerns
Other established or emerging best practices
In 2017 we embarked on our most extensive stakeholder engagement to date( based on the GRI standards) and invited them to highlight material issues from a list that included all UNGC areas of importance
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this criterion, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
Define sustainability strategies, goals and policies in consultation with key stakeholders
Consult stakeholders in dealing with implementation dilemmas and challenges and invite them to take active part in reviewing performance
- Women's Empowerment
- The COP describes policies and practices related to supporting women's empowerment and advancing gender equality in the community
Ensuring female beneficiaries of community programmes
Community initiatives specifically targeted at the empowerment of women and girls
Strategies to ensure that community investment projects and programmes (including economic, social and environmental) positively impact women and girls
Strategies to ensure that community investment projects and programmes (including economic, social and environmental) include the full participation of women and girls
Other established or emerging best practices
We recognize that women empowerment in the community has the greatest impact through long-term constructive partnerships. We support Bahrain’s Supreme Council for Women such as through sponsoring their Bahraini Women’s Day celebrations etc.
Designing community stakeholder engagements that are free of gender discrimination/stereotyping and sensitive to gender issues
Gender impact assessments or consideration of gender-related impacts as part of its social and/or human rights impact assessments
No practice for this criterion has been reported
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to address this area, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
- The COP describes policies and practices related to supporting women's empowerment and advancing gender equality in the marketplace
Support for women business owners and women entrepreneurs
Other established or emerging best practices
we support local female professionals in our activities. We regularly invite female health practitioners from female owned businesses to conduct lectures, work with external female training personnel to conduct trainings and sponsor female entrepreneurs.
Supplier diversity programme
Composition of supplier base by sex
Supplier monitoring and engagement on women's empowerment and gender equality including promotion of the Women's Empowerment Principles to suppliers
Gender-sensitive marketing
Gender-sensitive product and service development
No practice for this criterion has been reported
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to address this area, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
- The COP describes policies and practices related to supporting women's empowerment and advancing gender equality in the workplace
Achieving and maintaining gender equality in middle management positions
Equal pay for work of equal value
Flexible work options
Access to child and dependent care
Support for pregnant women and those returning from maternity leave
Recruitment and retention, including training and development, of female employees
Gender-specific health and safety issues
Gender-based violence and harassment
Education and training opportunities for women workers
Creating and maintaining workplace awareness of gender equality and, inclusion and non-discrimination for all workers
Mentoring and sponsorship opportunities for women workers
Other established or emerging best practices
Equal opportunity at GPIC begins with inclusion in all of the company’s activities. Although Bahrain’s labour law restricts women from working in shift jobs, women are represented in all other departments as well as in middle management positions
Achieving and maintaining gender equality in senior management and board positions
No practice for this criterion has been reported
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to address this area, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
- The COP contains or refers to sex-disaggregated data
Achieving and maintaining gender equality in middle management positions
Recruitment and retention, including training and development, of female employees
Education and training opportunities for women workers
Mentoring and sponsorship opportunities for women workers
Other established or emerging best practices
As an equal opportunity employer, we have a zero discrimination policy in recruitment, promotion, pay and all other HR policies. Women have access to the same benefits as men, including insurance, loans, and scholarship for employees’ children
Achieving and maintaining gender equality in senior management and board positions
Equal pay for work of equal value
Flexible work options
Access to child and dependent care
Support for pregnant women and those returning from maternity leave
Gender-specific health and safety issues
Gender-based violence and harassment
Creating and maintaining workplace awareness of gender equality and, inclusion and non-discrimination for all workers
No practice for this criterion has been reported
Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to address this area, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff
- Sustainable Development Goals
- With respect to your company’s actions to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the COP describes: [Select all that apply]
Opportunities and responsibilities that one or more SDGs represent to our business
Where the company’s priorities lie with respect to one or more SDGs
Goals and indicators set by our company with respect to one or more SDGs
How one or more SDGs are integrated into the company’s business model
The (expected) outcomes and impact of your company’s activities related to the SDGs
If the companies' activities related to the SDGs are undertaken in collaboration with other stakeholders
Other established or emerging best practices
- Which of the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) do the activities described in your COP address? [Select all that apply]
SDG 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
SDG 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
SDG 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
SDG 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
SDG 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
SDG 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
SDG 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
SDG 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development