Ipsos Communication on Progress - 2012
- Participant
- Published
- 27-Mar-2013
- Time period
- January 2012 – December 2012
- Format
- Stand alone document – Basic COP Template
- Differentiation Level
- This COP qualifies for the Global Compact Active level
- Self-assessment
- Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles
- Description of actions or relevant policies related to Human Rights
- Description of actions or relevant policies related to Labour
- Description of actions or relevant policies related to Environment
- Description of actions or relevant policies related to Anti-Corruption
- Includes a measurement of outcomes
- Statement of continued support by the Chief Executive Officer
Statement of the company's chief executive (CEO or equivalent) expressing continued support for the Global Compact and renewing the company's ongoing commitment to the initiative and its principles.
Corporate Social Responsibility as a concept has been with us for a long time, but it only really
achieved recognition in the 1990’s, and even then, was seen by many as a fringe matter.
However, since then, Corporate Social Responsibility has come to the fore and is recognized as
a business necessity. This now manifests itself in different terminology, be it ‘Accountability’,
‘Transparency’, ‘Sustainability’ or ‘Corporate Responsibility’ but the message is clear – businesses
now need to take responsibility for their actions and behave in an ethically responsible manner.
This responsibility engages Ipsos towards all stakeholders, whether the financial community and
investors, customers, suppliers and partners, as well as its employees. All these communities
expect from us a certain type of behavior, a clear and sustainable commitment that mobilizes the
entire Ipsos community.
Since we launched our “Taking Responsibility” programme in 2009, we became the first global
research firm to sign the United Nations Global Compact. Through this initiative, Ipsos embraces
supports and implements principles that support the community, environment, human rights and
labor standards. In support of this, in 2012 Ipsos named Richard Silman as our first Group Head of
Corporate Social Responsibility.
Our support of the United Nations Global Compact is clearly stated in the Goals of our « Proud to
be Ipsos »Vision Statement, namely:
1. Maintain excellence in all aspects of our client relations; regularly follow up on their point
of view.
2. Create and maintain an organisation where learning and personal development are actively
promoted; where people are recognized in line with their contributions; and employee
enrichment programmes are developed to support our vision, values and initiatives.
3. Pursue a strategy of growth with our clients through the integration of the finest talents;
inject a certain sense of urgency and pro-activeness into furthering our development to boost
profitability and strengthen our organisation.
4. Communicate the impact of our strategic plan; create a culture of sharing and working
together throughout the Ipsos community.
5. Develop responsibly, taking care to make the best use of Ipsos’ means and resources.
6. Maintain solid financial performance.
As we move forwards we plan to further translate our corporate responsibility commitments into
increased organisational vision and action.Didier Truchot, Jean-Marc Lech
- Human Rights
- Assessment, policy and goals
Description of the relevance of human rights for the company (i.e. human rights risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on Human Rights.
Promotion and enforcement of the fundamental conventions of the International Labor Organisation
Investment and procurement practices
In all countries in which Ipsos operates, with respect to the signature of the Global Compact, the
Group ensures unconditional compliance with the Human rights, as well as ensuring that the key
principles advocated by the ILO (International Labor Organisation) are strictly respected. We also
ensure that none in the organisation knowingly aid or abet human rights violations. This applies to all
Ipsos employees and suppliers. However, Ipsos cannot control its suppliers entirely (see section 2.2).
Percentage of significant suppliers and contractors that have undergone screening on
human rights, and actions taken
Given the Group structure in terms of procurement, which is entirely decentralized and processed at
the country level, Ipsos is not in a position to release a centralized percentage of significant suppliers
and contractors that have undergone screening on human rights.
However, instructions given to the local procurement department strictly respect the Principles 1 and
2 of the Global Compact, relating to the respect of Human and Fundamental Rights.--> Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures concerning aspects of
human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of employees
trainedCompliance with human rights is part of Ipsos’ internal values. It is a component of our « Proud
to Be Ipsos » corporate statement. All employees, especially new recruits as they go through their
initial orientation sessions, are reminded of these values, by taking an online or physical new-joiners
training session.Non-Discrimination
In 2012, there hasn’t been any incident of discrimation reported at the Group level.
In all countries in which Ipsos operates, the Group ensures unconditional compliance with the
Principle 3 of the Global Compact relating to non-discrimination. (To read more about Ipsos policy,
please refer to section 8.1.5 of the present document.)Forced and compulsory labor
With regards to forced labor, given the nature of Ipsos activity, we do not directly entail any risk of
forced or compulsory labor. Moreover, in all countries in which Ipsos operates, the Group ensures
unconditional compliance with the Principle 4 of the Global Compact relating to the abolition of
forced and compulsory Labor.Child labor
Operations identified as having significant risk of incidents of child labor, and measures
taken to contribute to the elimination of child labor
Given the nature of Ipsos activity, meaning delivering market research services, we do not directly
entail any risk of child labor issues. Moreover, in all countries in which Ipsos operates, the Group
ensures unconditional compliance with the Principle 5 of the Global Compact relating to the abolition
of Child Labor.
In addition, Ipsos is particularly cautious when interviewing children and young people, according
to ESOMAR Code. The consent of parents and responsible adults must be obtained before any such
- Implementation
Description of concrete actions to implement Human Rights policies, address Human Rights risks and respond to Human Rights violations.
Please see above -
- Measurement of outcomes
Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.
Please see above -
- Labour
- Assessment, policy and goals
Description of the relevance of labour rights for the company (i.e. labour rights-related risks and opportunities). Description of written policies, public commitments and company goals on labour rights.
Freedom of association and collective bargaining
Respect of trade unions’ freedom of association and collective bargainingFreedom of association and collective bargaining, to be found under the Principle 3 of the Global
Compact, are part of fundamental human rights, compliance with which is one of the Group’s main
concerns. In all countries in which Ipsos operates, the Group ensures unconditional compliance with
this Principle.
- Implementation
Description of concrete actions taken by the company to implement labour policies, address labour risks and respond to labour violations.
Labor practices and decent work
Since it was founded, the number of employees at Ipsos has risen significantly. A French company
that became pan-European in the 1990s, it now operates on a global scale.At 31 December 2012, the Group had 15,927 employees worldwide, compared with 16,569 in 2011
and 9,498 in 2010. Between 2010 and 2011, the 67% increase was mainly due to the acquisition of
Synovate. In 2012, the Group’s target as part of the combination plan, was to reduce the headcount
in support functions and operations, which has almost been achieved, together with a reduction in
research staff, as at 31/12/2012. This represents an overall 3.9% decrease in our headcount.
Definition of headcount: Ipsos is considering a broad definition of headcount as it includes all
permanent, regular and permanent term contract employees, interns, students and apprentices, as
well as contractors having an Ipsos email address.In addition, the Ipsos group employs a large number of temporary workers to administer its
questionnaires (the interviewers). These temporary workers are not counted in the headcount and
the related variable costs are included in the direct costs of the Ipsos Consolidated Income Statement.Newcomers as of 31/12/2012 : 3,846
Layoffs as of 31/12/2012 : 4,616
Turnover rate* as of 31/12/2012 : 28.4%
*excl. outsourcingCalculation method: Ipsos Group turnover rate is defined as the total of voluntary and involuntary
headcount -excluding contractor- departures in the year reported to the total headcount at opening
date of the year.
The Group is conscious of the high level of this turnover rate. It has set itself the objective for the
coming year of reaching a rate of under 20%.Internal mobility and international mobility
Ipsos encourages internal mobility and international mobility. Internal mobility gives all employees
the opportunity to enhance their professional development and enables Ipsos to foster the loyalty of
its talented staff. Employees can express an interest in moving to another area during their annual
assessment interview or by making a spontaneous application to the Human Resources department.Remuneration policy
The remuneration policy of the Group is based on common principles, applied in a decentralized
manner and adapted to local labor market and social legislation. This policy aims to:
• Attract and retain talent;
• Reward performance (personal and collective) through a flexible and motivating model of
• Act fair and respect the financial and operational Group objectives.Thus, Ipsos applies a global staff grid comprising 10 remuneration levels (ie from 0 to 9). Levels 0-3
correspond to the central management and major business unit levels and are reviewed centrally.
Ipsos’ total remuneration including compensation, incentives and benefits amounts to 739 millions
euros for the year 2012. For more information, please refer to our consolidated income statementEmployee shareholding and stock options
In order to strengthen unity across the Group, Ipsos has adopted a general compensation policy for
its main managerial staff based on fixed compensation and a variable portion, as well as incentive
schemes based on the company’s development. The variable portion of compensation is based on
quantitative criteria relating to the performance of the country, region and/or Group as applicable
- and reflecting the Ipsos group’s strategic priorities, as well as on qualitative criteria relating to
individual performance.
Incentive schemes based on the company’s development entail the allocation of stock options and/
or bonus share awards. Ipsos has therefore developed compensation policies shared by the entire
Group in the area of performance management. Employee shareholding is a major element of human
resources management. In 1999, at the time of the IPO, and then in 2000 at the time of the capital
increase, Ipsos offered its employees the opportunity to invest in the Company’s shares as part of
a Group savings plan. In 2002, the Group adopted a scheme to motivate and encourage loyalty
among its staff – the Ipsos Partnership Fund – to which 80 executives signed up. The programme
has allowed for the creation of a real community of interests between the Group’s main executives
and managers and all Ipsos shareholders.
The Board of Directors held in September 2012 then approved the launch of a long-term similar
plan “IPF 2020”, consisting of the grant of free shares and stock options to around 179 top
executives, provided that they acquired a certain number of Ipsos shares on the market. This plan
gives to its beneficiaries the opportunity to benefit from the increase in the value of Ipsos to which
they contribute by their skills, motivation and performance (further information on the IPF 2020
programme is provided in section of the reference document).
The Group’s managerial staff also benefit from the awarding of performance shares, reflecting the
Group’s strategic targets and based on each entity’s profitability. The plan is adjusted as necessary
to give the best reflection of Ipsos’ strategic priorities. These awards are renewed each year. For the
Group’s other key managers, a stock option allocation plan was launched in 2003, 2004 and 2005. In
2006, Ipsos decided to substitute these stock option plans with bonus share awards for key managers
who have delivered an excellent performance and demonstrated real development potential. These
plans are renewed each year.Employee shareholding agreement
Following the employee shareholding agreement introduced in 1997 and the company savings plan
set up in 1999, the Group’s French companies have created the « Ipsos Actionnariat » mutual fund,
which is designed to receive sums allocated to employees under profit-sharing schemes and paid as
part of the Group savings plan.Labor/management relations
Ipsos Pulse is one of Ipsos’ tools for managing its Human Resources policy. This annual survey of all
employees gives everyone the opportunity to express their opinion on their working environment,
management and the Group’s strategy. The Ipsos Pulse survey is conducted by teams at Ipsos
Loyalty, specialists in company employee surveys. The survey is carried out online in the Group’s
different languages. Responses are processed anonymously and statistically, ensuring complete
Despite the inevitable challenges of the Synovate acquisition and the combination, the in-house
climate has remained positive and our employees trust their management. They are confident in
the strategic direction taken by the Group: 82% of Ipsos people declare they are proud to work for
Ipsos.The following scores are above or in line with RED norms (Ipsos Representative Employee Database)
• 73% like their company’s culture and values
• 83% have confidence in the decisions made by their manager
• 82% are optimistic about the Ipsos Group’s future
• 82% are proud to work for IpsosWorking time organisation
Ipsos pays particular attention to ensuring a good work-life balance. Systems for organizing working
hours are in place in each country in accordance with local legislation (part-time working, working
from home, agreement on the reduction in working hours in some countries in accordance with the
local law in force).Labor dialogue’s organisation – in particular rules and procedures pertaining to how the
company informs, consults and negotiates with the staffIpsos has implemented appropriate consultation procedures for employees in each of its subsidiaries
in accordance with local laws. However, it is difficult to describe the rules and procedure pertaining
to how the company informs, consults and negotiates with staff at Group level, given the nature of
the labor organisation concept itself. Indeed the labor dialogue’s rules and organisation are regulated
on a country by country basis, within the legal context of each country.Diversity and equal opportunities
The research industry is predominantly female, as reflected by the proportion of women within
the Group with the overall percentage of female reaching 56%. Ipsos, which has employees in
85 countries, supports diversity in its recruitment. In accordance with all applicable, federal state and
local laws, Ipsos keeps watch over equality between its male and female salaries.
Concrete applications of this gender policy are as following: promote equal opportunities and equal
pay, in career promotion and progression for men and women, create a family-friendly workplace
whenever possible or at least ensure work-life balance…
Ipsos pays extra attention to the respect of such internal rules and would be in a position to closely
monitor any potential issue that could occur.% women per employee category
Research 60%
Operations 54%
Support 46%Ipsos also ensures that women are well represented among the top levels of the hierarchy. Thus,
about 30% of Ipsos Partnership Group managers, including the Top managers of Ipsos, are women.Fight against discrimination
Ipsos considers difference as a factor that drives progress and performance and is thus committed
to equity in employment and in providing a workplace environment that treats all employees with
respect and dignity. We are committed to providing equal opportunity to all staff and applicants.The Group has implemented human resources policies to encourage our employees to act in a
respectful and responsible manner, including in particular codes of best practice concerning
human rights, diversity and disability. Our employment policies meet not only legal and regulatory
requirements, but also the highest standards in all countries in which we operate.
We are committed to treating all employees and all people applying to the company properly and
fairly. Decisions relating to employment are based on merit, experience and potential, not taking
account of ethnic origin, nationality, gender, marital status, age or religion.Ipsos and disability
The company does not discriminate on grounds of disability and actively recruits people with a
disability. Our approach is based on three main measures: communication and raising awareness
among all staff in combating outdated ideas; helping to recruit people with disability by calling on
specialist organisations; keeping workers in employment and those in difficulty for health reasons
following an accident at the workplace, while traveling, a professional illness, a personal accident or
a debilitating disease.Occupational health and safety
Being a service company, where a large majority of employees work in offices, Ipsos has no dangerous
business as such, but health and safety are important issues to the Group.
A large number of Group staff are based in buildings in which Ipsos is not the only tenant. Depending
on local regulations, most of our offices have committees, with equal or multi-party representation
to address health and safety issues. Thus, the structure of the health and safety organisation may
vary from country to country, as do the responsibilities of the different dedicated committees.However, similar major topics are covered by these organisations:
• Ensuring a safe and healthy working environment
• Making sure employees are comfortable with their working environment.The Company adheres to applicable regulations, particularly those relating to working with
For each country, Ipsos has developed a health and safety policy covering a number of areas such as
working on site, fire and first aid training for instance. Ipsos has no overall preventive programmes
for health risks at Group level, considering that it would not really be pertinent given the nature of
its activity.However, the Group encourages its Country Managers to address this topic on a voluntary basis, for
example in the following ways:
• For seasonal epidemics, such as the flu, vaccination campaigns can be organized (as is the case
in France, for instance, where the headquarters are based);
• Information campaigns can be developed and rolled out in coordination with national local
prevention programmes, like anti-smoking, anti-alcohol programmes or testing for certain
pathologies.Health and security topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions
Health and Safety Committees do not exist in every country as legal obligations differ, making a
Group-level indicator inappropriate. Because Ipsos is based and operating in 85 countries, it does
not seem relevant to list all topics related to Health and Safety covered by formal agreements as it
would not be meaningful at Group level.However, Ipsos complies with local requirements and national law in force to ensure that all
employees work in a safe environment.
France figures among the most advanced European countries in this respect, as the Ipsos (France)
has instituted Committees on Hygiene, Safety and Working Conditions (Comités d’Hygiène, de
Sécurité et des Conditions de Travail - CHSCT).> FOCUS: French CHSCT
The CHSCT’s mission is to contribute to the protection of the physical and mental health and
safety of employees, to improve working conditions, and to ensure compliance with legislative and
regulatory requirements.
Thus, it ensures:
• The analysis of occupational hazards;
• Regular inspections in-house;
• Investigations of occupational accidents or diseases of occupational nature; these investigations
are conducted by a delegation comprising at least the person in charge of the building, or a
representative designated by him/her, and a staff representative of the CHSCT. An informative
note is then sent to the labor inspector within 15 days.The CHSCT contributes to the prevention of occupational hazards in the facility, including raising any
initiative he finds useful in this context and suggesting enhancement actions.Rates of accidents, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number
of work-related fatalities by regionIpsos is not in a position to publish the absenteeism rate for the year 2012. However, the Group is
working on a suitable definition and the related reporting system to deliver a reliable percentage
in the coming year. In France, the absenteeism rate is defined as the number of days of absence
(maternity, longterm sickness, sickness, parental leave, paternity, outstanding absences, webding
leave, occupational injuries) to the number of days of theoretical work (that is to say the number of
days that would have been worked without absence). This rate was 5.63% in 2011.Accidents at work, notably frequency and gravity, and professional diseases
Given the nature of Ipsos’ activity worldwide, reporting on accidents at work or professional diseases
does not really seem pertinent to the transparency of our health and safety policy and for this reason,
this has not been an indicator we have followed up on. However, Ipsos makes sure its employees
have the opportunities to report on any kind of incidents and takes care of the prevention of psychosocial
- Measurement of outcomes
Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.
Labor/management relations
Working time organisation
Ipsos pays particular attention to ensuring a good work-life balance. Systems for organizing working
hours are in place in each country in accordance with local legislation (part-time working, working
from home, agreement on the reduction in working hours in some countries in accordance with the
local law in force).> FOCUS : IPSOS MANAGERS’ DAY
A management training programme has been implemented to help French managers develop their
managerial know-how. This training was conducted in two consecutive waves and reached 50
managers in total.
This programme is organized into four sessions, and focuses on the following objectives:
• Working in a spirit of community with their teams and other managers to promote horizontal
cooperation within Ipsos:
- Supporting the vision of the Group: understand and adhere to the business strategy, in order
to cascade it in an inspiring way to the teams;
- Driving performance: being able to set clear ambitious motivating goals, shared amongst
employees in a way that will help them achieve and surpass them.
- Developing skills: being able to say, in a constructive manner, what works and doesn’t, listen,
build trust, delegate, recognize talent and offer employees adequate means to develop.
- Leading a team: being able to create realistic and transparent conditions for effective work,
with rewards and respect for everyone.Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews
It is the policy of the Group to enable each employee to benefit from a formal evaluation interview
in order to better manage professional expectations through career development.
- Environment
- Assessment, policy and goals
Description of the relevance of environmental protection for the company (i.e. environmental risks and opportunities). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on environmental protection.
Taking responsibility towards the environment and future generations
General policy and organisational structure
As an international company, Ipsos’ growth strategy takes account of the ecological and
environmental impact of its business activities. Ipsos set up in several countries environmental
policies to sensitize its teams to the practices of reduction of waste and our carbon footprint, as well
as energy consumption. As much as possible, Ipsos seeks to decrease the side-effects of our activities
on the environment by supporting the use of renewable resources.Ipsos decided to report on its 2012 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions on an international scope. This
decision is supported by 4 strategic pillars:
• We want to address the need for carbon performance data from our global customers;
• We want to manage our operations as a responsible corporation and contribute to Climate
Change mitigation;
• We want to actively manage GHG emissions to increase our overall business performance;
• We want to anticipate national regulations for GHG emissions reporting beyond those that are
progressively being enforced (France 2012, UK 2013).We followed the methodology compliant with the globally recognized standard ISO 14064-1. We
are, for the first time, reporting across 17 countries that represent 73% of Ipsos revenue on most
emissions sources of our business, and have been working with Accenture in this process.This renewal of the way the Group proceeds in measuring and reporting on its impact towards its
people, communication and environment will enable us in the coming years to better orientate our
CSR policy and to follow reduction target plans accordingly.The Ipsos organisational structure to take into account environmental issues, and if
need be, steps taken for environmental evaluation or certification
A new global Ipsos position of ‘Head of Corporate and Social Responsibility’ was created in 2012.
This role will continue to work in close cooperation with the Ipsos Co-Presidents to design the Ipsos
CSR policy and will leverage internal local structures to roll it out. Indeed, given the international
landscape of CSR, some countries within the Group already have some dedicated structure.
Supervision of the environmental certification process worldwide (ISO norms where relevant for
instance) following local specificities will also fall under this task. It will also require working in close
cooperation with teams on-site.Ipsos’ CSR structure will be supported by a central budget, aiming at facilitating the roll out of
different global initiatives. Alongside this, local projects also benefit from local financial support
whenever needed. A global calculation is made difficult by the nature of some of these investments,
which can in fact fall under charity donations or contributions to employees on various local
campaigns from time to time. As a consequence, Ipsos is not in a position to release reliable figures.
This is something we are planning to address in future years.As part of our environmental audit, we are monitoring progress being made on a country by country
basis to reduce our overall impact globally. Recycling and energy saving initiatives are increasingly
being used in various formats such as recycling paper, ink cartridges, electronics and energy saving
initiatives such as travel reduction schemes, lighting and electricity savings.Greenhouse gas emissions
In 2012 Ipsos decided to pilot a project to allow it to report, for the first time, on its GHG emissions
on an international scope.Due to data availability, the period on which we are reporting data is from 2011-Q4 to 2012-Q3 in
the seventeen selected countries. These countries were selected based on their economic impact as
contributing 73% of Ipsos revenue, with en equal proportion of OECD and non-OECD members.
On this scope, the global carbon footprint amounts to 40,456 tCO2e/year.The result of this first GHG report shows that employee travel and electricity consumption are the
biggest contributors to the global carbon footprint.In future years the Ipsos carbon strategy is intended to include actions to:
• Increase the scope, certainty and visibility of reporting;
• Define emission reduction objectives;
• Reduce emissions with a focus on transportation optimisation;
• Monitor GHG progress from year to year and the value creation from emissions mitigation
through carbon efficiency actions.80% of total emissions are generated by 2 sources:
• 43% - Business travel: for air transportation, the data is relatively accurate as it is captured
by payment card systems reports. For ground transportation, the data accuracy varies
from country to country.
• 37% - Electricity consumed in the buildings: the data is of good quality since based on energy
bills. National emissions factors are provided by Bilan Carbone® database.Scope 1 and Scope 2 data are consistent and exhaustive from country to country. However
depending on local regulations, markets, systems and organisations, Scope 3 data present a high
variability from country to country.Based on item by item uncertainty estimation, the overall computed data uncertainty is:
• 44% for Scope 1+2+3
• 10% for Scope 1+2.
- Implementation
Description of concrete actions to implement environmental policies, address environmental risks and respond to environmental incidents.
Use of materials
Measuring materials used is a new measurement metric to Ipsos in 2012 and it is the intention of
Ipsos to expand on the measurement of input materials in future years.
As year on year measurement continues this metric will be actively used to inform strategy on how
to reduce input materials and ensure a higher percentage is from recycled sources.
The major item of waste produced by Ipsos is paper and at country level Ipsos has been making
progress in the recycling of this primary waste source. This kind of initiative typically finds great
support within countries, where local teams are always prompt to follow them.
In 2012 amongst the Ipsos countries reporting, we recycled over 4,000 tonnes of paper.
In the majority of cases recycling firms or specialized organisations that guarantee the recycling
process to the necessary standards, are utilized.
Part of our initiative is to move countries from ‘never’ conducting recycling through the process
of ‘sometimes’ recycling to ‘always’ recycling. We are currently tracking where each country is in
this cycle and this will be reported on in future years. We will be endeavoring to shift all countries
towards ‘always’ recycling.Energy
The total known electrical final energy consumption is 33 034 000 kWh. This data is drawn from the
Accenture pilot GHG project and is expected to grow in future years as the scope of the GHG project
expands to cover more Ipsos geographies.
Once a broader picture of direct energy consumption is gathered the data will be used to target
energy reduction programmes.
A focus for Ipsos in recent years has been the introduction of recycling programmes and energy
efficiency initiatives. It is recognized that much work still has to be done in this area, but as a global
company with offices based in 85 countries, capability issues do, at times, apply.
For this reason, energy saving activities will increasingly be applied throughout our companies and
will be analysed and reported upon in the future.Water
Given the nature of our activity, our water consumption is only that of the daily use of office facilities.
In terms of our own use of water, we have not tracked this data and are not in a position where we
can release reliable information.Biodiversity
Ipsos has no office or operating sites concerned by such issues and as a result, there is no Group
action plan designed to manage impacts on biodiversity at this stage.
However, local initiatives have arisen in some countries, driven by on-site sensitivities and priorities.
The Group supports these local actions.
- Measurement of outcomes
Description of how the company monitors and evaluates environmental performance.
Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption and reductions achieved
Being a professional services organisation, our major energy consumption variables relate to business
travel and electricity consumed in buildings (lighting, heating, air conditioning and IT related
A key initiative for Ipsos has been its server virtualisation programme which has resulted in energy
savings. By the end of 2012 we have virtualized over 1,900 physical servers creating an annual
energy reduction of nearly 220,000 kWh.In terms of business travel, significant effort has been put in place to reduce the expenditure on
business travel and this is being tracked on a country by country level.
Alongside these two main measures, the last Taking Responsibility Audit shows that, accross the
Group, other activities related to energy and emissions savings have been rolled out, for instance
lighting initiatives or special use of energy-saving devices.Employee information and training with regard to environmental protection
Ipsos is highly concerned by the impact of professional activities on the environment, which is why
it aims at raising employees’ awareness accross the Group. In this regard, we ensure each new joiner
is sensitive to the Ipsos CSR engagement.
Alongside this initiative, for many years, we have benefited from great support among local
management, who rarely miss an opportunity to highlight how important Corporate Social
Responsibility is to Ipsos and how handling the environment is the responsibility of all staff.
This has been re-emphasised at each of the global Group conferences (involving the company’s top
managers) where a specific presentation is given in relation to the development of the CSR policy.
In addition, a specific programme on Corporate Social Responsibility will be added into the Ipsos
Training Center which will allow all employees to know and understand the Ipsos approach to CSR
and the importance of CSR to the company, its clients and its employees.Means used for preventing environmental risks and pollutions
Given the nature of Ipsos activity, the risk incurred, as well as generated, can be considered limited.
Nevertheless, being an international company seated in numerous countries, we make sure that we
prevent any kind of environmental risks and pollution (of air, water, etc) that could directly come
from our business. We thus work in close cooperation with national or state organisations in charge
of upholding local regulation related to these topics.As a professional services organisation, our core activity does not engender any direct waste-releases
into the atmosphere, water or soils that will badly affect the environment. This is also true of noise
pollution. Having a large majority of people working in offices prevents us from acting in a prejudicial
manner in this regard.As a consequence, the Group has not developed any global policy towards land use for instance, or
water consumption. Nor has it taken adaptation measures to the consequences of climate change.
Thus, much of the focus of the Ipsos environmental strategy relates to both inputs and outputs: fuel
and energy consumption, offices, IT, paper products, freight, travel and waste.The 2012 Audit shows that while a few countries already have a formal Environmental Policy in
place, a significant proportion of countries undertake environmental protection activities.
- Anti-Corruption
- Assessment, policy and goals
Description of the relevance of anti-corruption for the company (i.e. anti-corruption risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on anti-corruption.
Anti corruption
Supporting Principle 10 of the Global Compact relating to the refusal of bribery and corruption in
business practices, the Group pays extra attention to anti-corruptive practices. In 2012, a fraud
reporting system (emails) was in place, ensuring follow up and implementation of corrective actions.
- Implementation
Description of concrete actions to implement anti-corruption policies, address anti-corruption risks and respond to incidents.
The Group has a policy of encouraging its employees to report any potential wrongdoing that
could not be reported through the formal internal company reporting route, and is considering
implementing a whistle-blowing system. This system will provide the ability to report using mail,
emails and phones that will be logged into a case management system, ensuring follow-up and
feedback to the employee concerned.Public policy
Due to the nature of the work undertaken by Ipsos – market and opinion research – it is important
that Ipsos always maintains a neutral non-partisan position. Among the 55 Country Managers
who responded to the specific question, not one reported that they made financial contributions to
political parties, politicians and related institutions.
Ipsos is an active member of ESOMAR, which through its Code on Market and Social research,
(developed jointly with the International Chamber of Commerce) sets out global guidelines for
regulation and professional standards. These standards are undersigned by all ESOMAR members
and are adopted or endorsed by more than 60 national market research associations worldwide. As
a member, Ipsos therefore adheres to the principles of good conduct as defined by this code.
This issue is of paramount importance to Ipsos. From the 2012 Audit, where lobbying efforts are
reported, these have been immediately investigated and foundnot to be in breach of any standards.
5 Country Managers (of the 55 who responded to the specific question) reported that Ipsos had
been involved in public policy development and/or lobbying effort in their country. Countries
include: Colombia, Germany, Kenya, New Zealand and Peru.Anti-competitive behavior
The Ipsos group has not been party to any legal action for monopoly practices or failure to comply
with anti-competitive or anti-trust laws.Compliance
As a final statement, Ipsos would like to reassert, that in all countries in which it operates, with respect
to the signature of the Global Compact, the Group ensures unconditional compliance with Human
Rights, and ensuring that the key principles advocated by the International Labor Organisation (ILO)
are respected. We also ensure that no-one in the organisation knowingly aids or abets human rights
violations. This applies to all Ipsos employees and suppliers.
In 2012, the Ipsos Group did not incur fines or non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with
laws and regulations.
- Measurement of outcomes
Description of how the company monitors and evaluates anti-corruption performance.
- No answer provided.